In addition to primary mining machines, such as drilling and bolting rigs, anchor trucks, LHD’s and haulage trucks, other self-propelled vehicles also play an important role in modern mining and tunnel construction; those special machines are designed to perform numerous auxiliary works. The Mine Master company has cooperated with two complementary producers of this type of utility vehicles - Botswana company and GHH Fahrzeuge company.
The utility vehicles (abbreviated UV’s) of the Botswana company are primarily equipped with dedicated work platforms, among others designed for:
The GHH Fahrzeuge company produces utility vehicles for performing various types of special tasks, such as:
Mine Master Spółka z o.o.
Wilków, 59-500 Złotoryja
ul. Dworcowa 27
tel: +48 (76) 87 83 511
NIP: 6940007277
PKD: 2892Z
REGON: 390234796
KRS: 0000114912